Let's Get Started! pt.2

Monday, January 18, 2010

Another impressive quote by Mr.Mario Teguh

Tergesa-gesalah untuk berhasil karena Anda harus membuat (banyak) kesalahan (untuk berhasil)
What a briliant choice of words. Tergesa-gesa... Coba, masa orang disuruh buru-buru berhasil sih? But it quite make sense since in order to be succeed we need to pass through a series of (hard and painful) process. Jadi maksudnya mungkin begini, kalau mau berhasil ya mulailah berusaha dari sekarang. Berhasil itu kan ga instan. Butuh proses, butuh waktu, butuh melakukan banyak kesalahan dulu supaya kita tahu yang benar itu seperti apa. Nah, jadi buat semua orang yang sedang berusaha mencapai mimpi ataupun cita-citanya don't you ever stop if you find some obstacle that hold up your way. Just remember that we need to make a lot of mistake to find something right. Just focus, preserve your dream, keep your body and mind healthy and keep going on even if it was just a baby step.

Damn, I sound like a motivator. Haha.. Anyway, hope this can boost up my your day people! Adios!
