New bestfriends
Get married / New life
Lose my virginity
Tuck in the ER for the first time, which I'm not proud of
Resignation (and freedom!)
Start my own business
I'm no ordinary woman. I choose to follow my passion even if it was hard and bring a lot of challenge to me. But for me, my dream is bigger than me, bigger than my life, bigger than anything. |
Past - FutureWednesday, December 31, 20082008 Experienced working at a multi national company New bestfriends Get married / New life Lose my virginity Tuck in the ER for the first time, which I'm not proud of Resignation (and freedom!) Start my own business Happiness :) 2009 Get a healthy and stronger body Buy a used car Get pregnant Be more patient Start second business Make more money to live a new life Not get laid too much (haha.. this is hard) Happy New Year everyone!!!
Posted by Ratie at 8:37 PM |
LessonsTuesday, December 30, 2008Caution! This is quite a long post. If you feel like not really want to waste your time, then do not start to read! Because once you've start it, you'll never stop. Hehehe... ... Memang sih, kayanya gw tahu kenapa gw susah tidur. There's two ugly things that happen in the past week. And those unpleasant things brings a lot of tought in my mind. It made me feel bad about myself too! Damn.. I'm still amaze about how people can blew up my guts just in a second, like pushing an off button! Huhuhu... But now, after a few moments, a few cries, a few conversations, I realize that those two ugly things are the key in turning my self to be a much better person after this. Fiiiuuuhhhh.... Even it was so hard for me to pull myself again, but hey, life is short, so why worry, eh? The first lesson that I got is how to counter negative energy or negative person that come to me. Don't try to defend yourself when they come or talk, just listen to their negative words, even when your heart is disagree with what they said, nod your head few times, keep smiling, just try to remember what they said like it was a bunch of data that stuffed to your head, go home, take a long warm bath, and after you relax rewind it all over again, then you decide whether they right or wrong, which part can you use, which can't, with no hard feeling at all! Sounds so easy but its not. LOL. But (again) you can try it! It won't kill you anyways.. Haha.. And the impact is soooo amazing! After I did it, I can listen to people and be much more patient, at least for these last few days. Hehe.. Second thing is, I found myself as a very weak person. One of my weaknesses is my brain always automaticaly analyze what will people think about me, the way I talk, the way I dressed, the way I laugh, the way I think, I always questioned, what will people think about it? And I always try to perform my best so that people will have no bad things to judge about me. Is it necessary to do that, to have that kind of thinking? NOPE! Big NO-NO! But sometimes I can't help it because it is like automatically happen in my head! The only reason to "do my best" is MYSELF. I will do it because I feel comfort in doing it. And I won't do it because of people around me. That is my second lesson that I got. Third lesson is I found that I have too much thing that I worry about, sometimes unnecessary things. I can't relax. And it was exhausting! Now, like what I was write above, I'm trying to loosen up a bit! Life is short, so why worry?! Yeay!! Okay, enough for the serious thing that I babbled about. Few random things about me lately:
Posted by Ratie at 2:44 PM |
UnderstandFriday, December 26, 2008It was never been easy to understand. Understand things, understand people, understand something that happen to us.. It was never been easy. We keep asking "WHY??". We keep pointing finger. We always want to think that HE whose wrong, and not ME. Who said that understanding is something easy? It wasn't. In fact, it takes the whole mind and heart to understand. And it needs courage. A lot of COURAGE. ... It was never been easy to understand. But.. It wasn't impossible either. Posted by Ratie at 11:49 AM |
Mandi aje kok susyeee...Thursday, December 25, 2008Hari ini gw di Bekasi and I wish I wasn't here right now!! Why? Karena hari ini kamar mandi di rumah ini lagi dibenerin dan GW GA BISA MANDI!!! Damn! Kenapa mesti hari ini dibenerinnya?? Kenapa ga besok aja pas gw dah balik ke Bogor??!! Ato kenapa ga TAUN DEPAN AJA PAS LEBARAN KAMBING! Aaaaarggghhh... Mana Bekasi panas!! Badan gw dah lengket kaya dodol garut nih sekarang!! I want BOGOR! Or BANDUNG!!! Huhuhu... Yang walopun ga mandi masih kerasanya adem ayem aja. Sebenernya disini ada sih satu lagi kamar mandi tapi rusak! Ga pernah dipake jadi toiletnya mampet! Doh! Sepagian ini gw ama si hubby udah puter otak mo numpang mandi somewhere out there, tapi GA NEMU TEMPAT YANG PEWE!! Klo si hubby mah gampang, tinggal numpang dirumah sobat2nya yang udah dia kenal dari kecil! Mo ee' juga sok wae mangga... Nah gw??! This is not my neighbourhood! Saking stressnya gw sempet mengajukan ide yang absurditasnya tinggi, kaya : Mo mandi di hotel aja! Tuh ada Horison kan di Metropolitan Mall??!! or Disini ga ada pemandian umum yah?? Ya udah, bikin aja dulu SEKARANG! or Kolam renang terdekat dimana?? AKU MO MANDI DISANA AJAAAA!!!!
Stress gila!! Mau tau akhirnya? Akhirnya gw mandi di kamar mandi yg rusak itu. Untung aernya masih ngocor.. Tapi jadinya ya cuma mandi aja, ga pake endebra2 laen yang seharusnya terjadi di pagi hari! Rasanya penuh ni perut.. Uuuuggghhhh... Ternyata ga bisa mandi tuh bikin stress juga yah? Baru nih gw ngerasain susahnya mo mandi. Hehehe... Kebayang gimana orang-orang yang tinggalnya di pedalaman dan susah dapet air bersih ya? Huhuhu... Semoga mereka diberikan kemudahan deh. Amin.. Btw, for those who celebrating xmas today, Merry Christmas guys! Have a happy holiday too!! Cuph.. cuph..mmmuuaaachhh!! PS: Mau tau ending yg lebih dahsyatnya lagi? Gw akhirnya numpang b*ker di rumah tetangganya si hubby! WTF??!!! Posted by Ratie at 1:17 PM |
Life.. latelyWednesday, December 17, 2008It's been a month since I decided to resign from my previous job. It doesn't mean that I'm jobless, hey you there! Sorry for becoming a little bit rude and emotional.. Hehe.. Most of the people think that the reason why I quit my job is because I just want to be a housewife and stay at home and make no money [ooohh.. resign supaya bisa jadi ibu rumah tangga aja ya?]. No offense, dear housewifes around the globe! There is no job as honourable as a housewife, my mother also a housewife, but some people that told me that 'thing' was talking it in a bitchy way. Ya know...the way that makes you feel bad, ring a bell? Oooh.. I hate that... Really hate that. But, I let the judgement passed. And keep moving on with my life. Happily! Heheh... Yup, kayanya baru sekarang ini I find my true happiness again. I love my job, I love my husband, I love my life and I love my self! *oke yg ini terlalu narsis..haha* But, it doesn't mean that I don't have a problem.. Especially financial problem *big grin*, but facing a problem when you're always in a good mood is kinda fun! And easy! Haha... *toyor2 pala ratie* Alhamdulillah... I think Allah is very kind to me. Yeaaaah... so, where am I lately? Ke PLN, nyoba2 resep, nyari tukang furniture, contacting the investors, preparing to launch 'it' at January, berantem-berantem ama si hub2 tentang segala perintilan2 itu and sometimes still do some translation to make money and today I'm here at Bandung! Loh, kok jadi ada di Bandung? Awalnya sih, kesini tuh cuma mo dateng ke kawinan temen aja, dan karena males pulang sendiri akhirnya terdamparlah gw disini menunggu kerjaan my hubby selesai. Yang tadinya tu kerjaan bakal kelar dalam sehari, eeh.. mulur jadi 4 hari. Ternyata begini yah rasanya jadi wiraswastawati. Hehe.. Karena si hubby juga kerjanya freelance, we have a lot of time now and we can do everything that we want! Kendalanya self-employed cuma satu sih... Able to kick your own ass to move! Tapi biasanya itu akan otomatis terjadi kalo uang di rekening mulai terasa menipis. Haha.. Ayo, kerja..kerja!! Kaya sekarang ini, gw berani tetep tinggal di Bandung selama beberapa hari dan ninggalin persiapan di Bogor karena emang lagi ada kerjaan translate juga (which means more money to come..hehe) yang bisa gw kerjain disini pake laptop gw. So, besok klo udah pulang ke Bogor lagi, harus langsung fokus sama yang mo di-launch ituh! Hehehe.. Gw ga akan terima kerjaan dulu dan my hub-hub juga ga akan nerima kerjaan dia dulu sampe persiapannya selesai and we're ready to launch! Hhmmmm... agak ga penting posting kali ini. Hwehe.. Well, agak dipaksain nulis juga sih, soalnya klo kelamaan ga nulis pasti tulisan gw jadi ga enak dibacanya... Haha... Biar ga bosen-bosen amat, nih gw posting juga foto2 ga penting gw ama my hubby waktu lagi jalan-jalan ke cibodas. Enjoy! India-indiaan.. Water, anyone? Help!! Posted by Ratie at 7:11 PM |
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