This morning, I wake up with a lil bit of dull feeling. Mostly it's because the oh-not-so-goin-well communication with the oh-you-must-be-know-who person... Yes, my hubby and this whole LDR thingy stress me out!
After a lazy yawning and a few blinks to gather my concious, I start preparing my "army" to take a bath. I put my shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, shower puff, and also my undies to a basket. When I reach my underwear box, I can't find my black bra that match with my black panties. Doh! I maybe forget to wash it before.. In normal situation, I'll find my pink ribbon bra along with the very matched pink ribbon panties of mine. But in this dull morning, I try something different. I wear a black panties with my stripey white bra! And suddenly I feel great! I start to think, oohh.. this combination is very nice indeed. Maybe I'll need more kind of "combination" for my life! It doesn't have to be so big, but this tiny change from your path or your habit every morning can lighten up your day, even just a bit!
Later than, I was prepared for going to my office. Again, in normal situation, I'll took a kopaja. Two reasons for riding a kopaja : first my office quite near *so I don't have to be inside the bus for a very long time* - just about 15 minutes in a typical Jakarta's morning traffic from my rent. And two, of course because it's cheap! But this morning, instead of jumping to a kopaja, I jump to a taxi *with a lil bit worry in my heart*! I dunno.. I always had this worry feeling to ride a cab when Im gonna go to my office because in my thought that tiny distance -between my rent and my office- is not supposed to be traveled by a taxi! It's too close! And I always worried that the taxi driver will kick me out from his taxi and decided not to give me a ride.. Hiks... But at this special morning where I cross my finger to do something out of my path since the "unmatched bra" incidents, I took a cab to my office!! And luckily I got a very nice old man as my taxi driver who didn't kick me out from his cab. Hahaha...
Now, I still have my problems but the way I look at the world seems different. It feels like Im wearing a colorful sunglasses today.... So... like I told you before, this whole "out of the path" things do lighten up my day! You should try it sometimes! Cheerio!!
PS : Pardon me if you find inappropriate grammar or any misspelled words.. Sometimes I do it nastily. Hehe..
5 days ago